Yulin Liu


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Ph.D. student
Computer Science & Engineering Department
University of California San Diego

Email: yul266 at ucsd.edu

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I'm currently a first year Ph.D student at Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of California San Diego, where I am honored to be advised by Prof. Hao Su. I received my Bachelor degree at Department of Physics, Peking University, where I am fortunate to be advised Prof. He Wang.

My research interests lie in 3D computer vision, Generative model and 3D Geometry. I'm currently working on remeshing algorithm and simulation.

*: equal contribution; † corresponding author(s)
Delving into Discrete Normalizing Flows on SO(3) Manifold for Probabilistic Rotation Modeling
Yulin Liu*, Haoran Liu*, Yingda Yin*, Yang Wang, Baoquan Chen, He Wang
CVPR 2023
arXiv / project page / code / video

We propose a discrete normalizing flow on SO(3) manifold, through which one can not only effectively express arbitrary distributions on SO(3), but also conditionally build the target distribution given input observations.

University of California San Diego
Ph.D. student in Computer Science & Engineering Department
Advisor: Prof. Hao Su

2023.9 - Present

Peking University
Undergraduate student in Department of Physics
Advisor: Prof. He Wang

2022.6 - 2023.6


Reviewer for ICRA' 23.

Website template courtesy of Jon Barron.
Website updated 23/11/18.